Days Until The Vote Count
DATE Ballots will be mailed to employees: August 17th
Date Ballots must be received by the NLRB: September 8th by 2PM
Date Ballots will be counted by the NLRB: September 8th at 2PM
If you do not receive a ballot by August 24th, 2023, contact the NLRB to ask for a replacement at the numbers below:
215-597-7601 or 844-762-6572
This is a Secret Ballot Election Supervised by the National Labor Relations Board
Employees eligible to vote:
- All full-time and regular part-time job coaches, employment coaches, employment training coaches, quality assurance employees, business development specialists, business development coordinators, employment trainers, employment training specialists, assessment trainers, business inclusion specialists, customized career planning specialists, customized employment coordinators, benefits specialists, Project SEARCH developers, Project SEARCH skills trainers, resource specialists, and transition development specialists employed by the Employer in its Pennsylvania region during the payroll period ending July 31, 2023.
- All employees in the unit who have worked an average of four (4) hours or more per week during the 13 weeks immediately preceding the eligibility date for the election.)
Employees NOT eligible to vote:
- Those not eligible to vote are: Excluded: All other employees, nonprofessional employees, information technology employees, Ticket to Work specialists, Philly WINS coordinator, Philly WINS liaisons, confidential employees, administrative employees, managerial employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.
This election has the potential to impact almost everything in your work life
- your current and future pay
- the cost and structure of your health and other insurance plans, retirement plan and other benefits you currently enjoy
- your holidays, vacation and other forms of paid and unpaid leave
- your relationship with your supervisors and managers
- whether many employment-related decisions are based on your merit, or simply upon your date of service
- whether you will have union dues deducted from your paycheck, and how much?
- the potential for strikes and possible permanent replacement during an economic strike